Posts Tagged ‘traditional’

Fun little semi-realistic doodle of a Stantler. Their stats suuhuuhuuuuck but they’re still one of my favourite Johto Pokémon.

Fun practice drawing I made of a random deer. They’re fun to draw, but I need to practise a little more.

Some more doodles of Lune and Faolan x3 Lune seems to quite get along with my clones 8D

Doodle of my friends’ characters Lune and Faolan 8D Lune seems to think Faolan is a pretty nice cushion.

Little drawing I made last summer |3

Some fun little headdoodles to try out some toony styles and get warmed up with inks and stuff c:

Sketch I made a while ago while fiddling with cervine anatomy and ink c:

Layla, another of the rather unpleasant fae creatures. Approach with severe caution :V

One of the very unpleasant fae creatures living in Morcant’s swamp. Do not approach her, looking into her eye will nauseate you, and she delivers a toxic bite as well.