Archive for March, 2014

Commission for Pyre of his character Lune and said character’s Zoroark hanging out C:

Another commission for Wolfje. His character all dressed up, enjoying the wintery weather.

Wolfje and Cyan the dragon all snuggled up in winter clothes.

Felt like drawing a chunky Haflinger as a small tribute to my godfather, who passed away last summer. He used to have a few of those chunky ponies when he was younger, and was still very fond of the breed.

Was a bit of a struggle keeping the movement of the sketch in the finished piece :‘3

More studying! Using Denis, my favourite beefcake werewolf, for practising drawing muscular men C: He’s certainly very fit *giggle*

Just a silly drawing I made of my character Denis with varying facial hair styles c: The usual look, which is his beard. Then the moustache he temporarily has when he had a severely bruised jaw/cheek from getting beaten up by Tygo, and just what he looks like under all that fluff. He’s totally going to kill me for that one.

So, at artschool, at some point we had to draw  a re-imagining of Little Red Riding Hood. I never finished mine, and I intend to fix that.

It won’t be very child-friendly. Nor wolf-friendly. Be warned 😛

Is good expression practice, though. *saves ALL the refs*

Raise the anchor and hoist the sails! We’re going on an adventure!

Little tribute piece for the best little pirate there ever was.

Suna Jadran. He’s a fancy Croat mofo. So fancy his clothes killed my drawing hand. Ouchie.

He’s such a lovely grumpy-looking fellow, oh yes. It’s probably illegal for big tuff lieutenants to crack a smile 8D I should draw my birdpeople the Avae more, they’re fun.

Drawing of my old character Mohn, stuffed in a cute little …outfit.

Nighstalkers are a fun li’l species I dreamed up when I was, like, fifteen or sixteen. I’ll draw up a little ref or something of them soon C: